
Shaw & Whitley Pre-School was established over 35 years ago and takes children between the ages of 2 years and 4 years. It is a registered charity run by a committee of volunteers/parents/guardians according to the terms of the constitution and is responsible for ensuring the successful running of the setting.

We have good community links with local primary schools in the area, especially Shaw Primary School and Churchfields at Atworth, along with the local church and other professionals, such as health visitors and speech and language specialists, ensuring all children make good progress and have a smooth transition into school.

We are open five days a week during term time,  from 9.00am – 3.30 pm. There is an early drop off facility where you may drop your child off at 8:30 am. We have lunch at 12:15 and children will be required to bring a healthy packed lunch. We provide a morning and afternoon snack.

Our flexible approach means that we aim to tailor childcare provision to suit the needs of both our children and their families between the hours of 8:30am to 3.30pm during term time and allow you to decide how you want to ‘spend’ your free childcare entitlements

We offer the Government Nursery Education Grant which offers children 15 hours free nursery education from the term following their 3rd birthday and Two year old funding which is available for 2 year olds subject to certain conditions. Workplace childcare vouchers are accepted, please enquire so we can register with your voucher supplier.  We offer the Government’s extended 30 hours child care if you are eligible.